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‘Front and back covers of the book entitled “The Eighteen point five” are displayed. The front cover also shows a blue bird in flight and the back cover, a montage of faces of those featured in or contributing to the book.’ Our book,’THE EIGHTEEN POINT FIVE’, has arrived!

We gathered a team of over 40 people from South Australia, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia, as well as international team members from Indonesia, the United Kingdom and the USA.

The Eighteen Point Five

  • SHARES the challenges, experiences and insights of people living with disabilities and disorders
  • ENCOURAGES other people going through similar experiences
  • INCREASES community understanding of the disabilities and disorders
  • SUPPORTS those sharing their stories, and the organisations that help them
  • DIVIDES the proceeds of the book with team members

We published our book on September 25, 2020.

While you are here

Click here for a range of purchasing options or click here to order one printed book.

While you are visiting our site, please say hello to the people who made the book possible. Or read the synopsis of each chapter or support the sponsors that provide financial assistance to the project.

Our book

36 faces in a 6 x 6 grid of the team members

Why are biographies only written about famous people? We all have a story in us.

In The Eighteen Point Five, twenty-five people share their personal and honest experiences of living with disabilities and disorders.

Our stories may shift your thinking and clear up misconceptions. Our contributors hope to encourage readers living with similar disabilities and disorders by sharing insights, challenges and achievements.

With no publishing experience and zero budget, we reached our goal with help, perseverance and hard work. We are pleased with the book. We hope you are too.

Dr Emma Goodall – Autism Consultant

Voices can be privileged or marginalised, but only when we hear from disabled people can we truly connect with their stories.’Perspective is a powerful thing’, and this book provides 25 stories reflecting a range of experiences and events from a lived perspective of disability, both seen and unseen. This book provides a window into other people’s lives, both joys and challenges, and that perspective really is a powerful thing, showing that to be disabled is to be human.